If you need support outside the United States and Canada

The services and prices listed here are available in the United States and Canada only. Support outside the United Sates and Canada may vary. Microsoft's support services are subject to Microsoft's then-current prices, terms, and conditions, which are subject to change without notice.

Microsoft Product Support Services Worldwide

If you are outside the U.S. and have a question about a Microsoft product, first:

If you cannot find a solution, you can receive information about how to obtain product support by contacting the Microsoft subsidiary office in your area.

Contacting a Microsoft Subsidiary

When you call your local Microsoft subsidiary, you should be at your computer and have the appropriate product documentation at hand. Be prepared to provide the following information:

Important     Phone numbers for Microsoft Subsidiaries are subject to change. For the most recent listing, please see the options and phone number section on the Support Online Web site at http://support.microsoft.com/support. If there is no Microsoft subsidiary office in your country or region, please contact the establishment from which you obtained your Microsoft product.

Microsoft de Argentina S.A.
Customer Service: (54) (1) 316-4600
Fax: (54) (1) 316-1922
Technical Support: (54) (1) 316-4664

See Russia

Microsoft Pty. Ltd.
Phone: Products and Services: (61) 13 20 58
Fax: (61) (02) 9870-2285
Sales Information Centre: (61) (02) 9870-2100
Internet: //www.microsoft.com.au/
Technical Support: (61) (02) 9870-2131
Fax: (61) (02) 9805 0519

Microsoft Ges.m.b.H.
Phone: (+43) 1 610 64 -0
Fax: (+43) 1 610 64 -200
Information: 0660-6520
Prices, updates, etc.: 0660-6520
Standard Support:
Installation and Handling: 01 50222-2255
General information about Support Network in Central Europe:
Fax: 01805-251191

See Russia

Microsoft NV
Phone: +32-2-730 39 11
Fax: +32-2-726 96 09
Microsoft Support Network Info. Center: 0800 18307
TechNet Subscription: +353 1 703 8738
MSDN Subscription: +353 1 708 8690
Microsoft Information Center: +32-2-481 52 52
Bulletin Board: +32-2-726 85 45 (14400/1200/2400/9600 baud, 8N1, ANSI)
Technical Support:
+32-2-513 32 74 (Dutch speaking)
+32-2-502 34 32 (English speaking)
+32-2-513 22 68 (French speaking)
Internet: //www.microsoft.com/benelux/support

See Russia

See Uruguay

Microsoft Informatica Ltda.
Phone: (55) (11) 5514-7100
Fax: (55) (11) 5514-7106/5514-7107
Technical Support: (55) (11) 5506-8087
Fax: (55) (11) 5506-7621
Automatic Fax: (55) (11) 5506-8506
Technical Support Bulletin Board Service: (55) (11) 5506-1234
Customer Support: (55) (11) 822-5764
Customer Services Fax: (55) (11) 822-6227

Microsoft Canada Co.
Head Office Phone: 1 (905) 568-0434
Customer Information Centre: 1 (800) 563-9048
Technical Support:
Desktop Systems including Microsoft Windows 95: (905) 568-4494
Microsoft Office and Office Components: (905) 568-2294
Other Standard Technical Support: (905) 568-3503
Priority Support Information: (800) 668-7975
Text Telephone (TTY/TDD) (905) 568-9641
Technical Support Bulletin Board Service: (905) 507-3022

Microsoft Caribbean, Inc.
Phone: (809) 273-3600
Fax: (809) 273-3636
Technical Support: (408) 953 8086
Support E-Mail: mscarsup@microsoft.com
Customer Service: (800) 297 5982 for area codes 787 & 809 only
Customer Service E-mail: msccatus@microsoft.com

Central America
Technical Support: (506) 298 2020
Support E-Mail: mscasup@microsoft.com
Customer Service: (506) 298 2000
Customer Service E-mail: msccatus@microsoft.com

Microsoft Chile S.A.
Phone: 56-2-330-6000
Fax: 56-2-330-6190
Customer Service: 56-2-800-330600
Personal Operating System and Desktop Applications:
Phone: 56-2-330-6222
Fax: 56-2-341-1439

People's Republic of China
Microsoft (China) Co. Ltd
19th Floor, Metro Tower
No. 30 Tian Yao Qiao Road,
Shanghai, 200030, P.R.C.
Phone: 011-86-21-64691166; 011-86-21-64691188
Fax: 011-86-21 64691188 Ext. 6988

Microsoft Colombia
Phone: (571) 618 2245
Fax: (571) 618 2269
Technical Support:
Línea de Respuesta Microsoft
Phone: (571) 5230022
Fax: (571) 5231220
Voice Mail: (571) 5034216

Microsoft Hrvatska d.o.o.
Phone: (+385) (1) 304 555
Fax: (+385) (1) 335 051

Czech Republic
Microsoft s.r.o.
Phone (+420) (2) 611 97 111
Fax: (+420) (2) 611 97 100
Technical Support: (+420) (2) 2150 3222

Microsoft Denmark
Phone: (45) 44 89 01 00
Fax: (45) 44 68 55 10
Technical Support:
Phone: (45) 44 89 01 11
Microsoft Sales Support: (45) 44 89 01 90
Microsoft FastTips: (45) 44 89 01 44
(Document 303030 in FastTips contains detailed instructions)
Microsoft MSDL (BBS): (45) 44 66 90 46

Dominican Republic
See Central America

Microsoft Middle East
Phone: (971) 4 513 888
Fax: (971) 4 527 444
Technical Support:
Personal Operating Systems and Desktop Applications ONLY:
Phone: (971) 4 524 488
Fax: (971) 4 524 495
email: mts@emirates.net.ae
Priority Support Information: (971) (4) 555 752
Customer Service Center:
(Version upgrade / TechNet and MSDN subscription)
Phone: (971) (4) 655 082
Fax: (971) (4) 655 097

Corporation Microsoft del Ecuador S.A.
Phone: (593) 2 460-447, (593) (2) 460-451
Customer Service: (593) (2) 460-453, (593) (2) 460-458
Technical Support: (593) (2) 463-094

Microsoft Egypt
Phone: (202) 594 2445
Fax: (202) 594 2194
Technical Support:
Personal Operating Systems and Desktop Applications ONLY:
Phone: (202) 261 3991 / 6
Fax: (202) 403 2718

See United Kingdom

See Germany
Technical Support: (+372) 650 49 99

Microsoft OY
Phone: +358 (0) 9-525 501
Fax: +358 (0) 9-878 8770
Technical Support:
Phone: +358 (0) 9-525-502-5026
Standard +358 (0) 9-525-502-500
Priority: +358 (0) 9-525-502-20
Premier: +358 (0) 9-525-502-03
Microsoft MSDL: +358 (0) 9-878 77 99
(Information in Swedish and English): +358 (0) 9-455-03-66
Microsoft FastTips: +358 (0)9-525-502-550
(Information in Swedish and English)

Microsoft France
Phone: (33) 01 69-86-46-46
Fax: (33) 01 64-46-06-60
Telex: MSPARIS 604322
Technical Support:
Phone: (33) 01 69-86-10-20
Fax: (33) 01 69-28-00-28

French Polynesia
See France

See Russia

Microsoft GmbH
Phone: 089/3176-0
Fax: 089/3176-1000
Telex: (17) 89/83 28 MS GMBH D
Information: 089/3176 1199
Prices, updates, etc.: 08105-25-1199
Internet: //www.microsoft.com/germany
Standard Support:
Installation and Handling: 01805/67 22 55
General information about Microsoft support in Central Europe: Fax: 1805-25-1191

Microsoft Hellas, S.A.
Phone: (30) (1) 6806-775 through (30) (1) 6806-779
Fax: (30) (1) 6806-780
Technical Support:
Phone: (30) (1) 9247-030
Fax: (30) (1) 9215-363

Hong Kong SAR
Microsoft Hong Kong SAR, Limited
Fax: (852) 2560-2217
Product Support Faxback Service: (852) 2535-9293
Microsoft Club Hotline: (852) 2804-4277
Technical Support: (852) 2804-4222

Microsoft Hungary
Microsoft Magyarország Kft.
Phone: +36 (1) 327-2800
Fax: +36 (1) 327-2899
Technical Support: +36 (1) 267-4636 (2MSINFO)

See Denmark

Microsoft India
Phone: (011) (91) (80) 559 5733, (011) (91) (11) 646 0767, 646 0694
Fax: (011) (91) (80) 559 7133, (011) (91) (11) 647 4714

Indonesia (SP)
Microsoft Indonesia - Jakarta
Technical Support:
Phone: 62 21 570 42 54
Fax: 62 21 520 81 22

See United Kingdom

Microsoft Israel Ltd.
Phone: 972-3-613-0833
Fax: 972-3-613-0834

Microsoft SpA
Phone: (39) (2) 7039-21
Fax: (39) (2) 7039-2020
Microsoft Rome Office: (39) (6) 5095-01 - Fax: (39) (6) 5095-0600
Microsoft by Fax (Fax-on-demand service): (39) (2) 70-398-888
Customer Service (New product info, product literature): (39) (2) 70-398-398
Dealer Support (Customer Service for resellers only): (39) (2) 70-398-388
Technical Support: (39) (2) 70-398-398
Microsoft Consulting Service: (39) (2) 7039-21

Microsoft Company Ltd.
Technical Support (Standard Support): (81) (424) 41-8700
(Technical Support options/ Support Contract)
Phone: 0120-37-0196 (toll-free domestic only)
Channel Marketing Information Center:
(Pre-sales Product Support)
Tokyo Phone: (81) (3) 5454-2300
Osaka Phone: (81) (6) 245-6995
Customer Service Phone:
(Version upgrade/Registration)
Phone: (81) (48) 226-5500
Fax: (81) (48) 226-5511

See Russia

See Russia

Microsoft CH
Phone: (82) (2) 531-4500
Fax: (82) (2) 531-1724
Customer Service: 080-022-7337 (toll-free domestic only)
Technical Support:
Office Technical Support: (82) (2) 508-0040
Windows Technical Support: (82) (2) 563-0054
Developer Technical Support: (82) (2) 566-0071
Microsoft FastTips: (82) (2) 3453-7555
Support Sales: (82) (2) 531-4544

Latin America
Latin American Headquarters (U.S.A.)
Phone: (305) 489-4800
Fax: (305) 491-1616
Customer Service: (425) 936-8661
Technical Support: (214) 714-9100
Internet: //www.microsoft.com/latam/soporte

See Switzerland (German speaking)

Microsoft NV
Phone: +32-2-730 39 11
Microsoft Support Network Info. Center: +31-800-9977-57
TechNet Subscription: +353-1-703-8738
MSDN Subscription: +353-1-708-8690
Microsoft Information Center: +32-2-481 52 52
Bulletin Board: +32-2-726 85 45
(1200/2400/9600/14400 baud, 8N1, ANSI)
Technical Support:
+32-2-513 32 74 (Dutch speaking)
+32-2-502 34 32 (English speaking)
+32-2-513 22 68 (French speaking)
Internet: //www.microsoft.com/benelux/support

Malaysia (SP)
Microsoft (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd:
Phone: (60-3) 793-9595
Fax: (60-3) 791-6080

Microsoft México, S.A. de C.V.
267-2110 Atencion a Distribuidores
265-3380 Atencion a Clientes
265-3399 Soporte Sistemas Operativos y Applicaciones de Escritorio
267-2190 Soporte de Servidores y Herramientas de Desarrollo
Fast Tips: (52)(5) 2612199
Microsoft BBS 628-6200/02 MSMEXICO sin password

Microsoft Afrique Du Nord
Phone: (212) 2 47 10 72
Fax: (212) 2 47 10 86

Microsoft BV
Phone: 023-5689189
Customer Service: 023-5677700
Microsoft Support Network Info Centre: 0800 099 7757
TechNet Subscription: 0800 022 6801
MSDN Subscription: 0800 022 7261
Bulletin Board: 023-5634221
(1200/2400/9600/14400 baud, 8N1, ANSI)
Technical Support:
023-5677877 (Dutch speaking)
023-5677853 (English speaking)
Internet: //www.microsoft.com/benelux/support

New Zealand
Microsoft New Zealand Ltd
Phone: 64 (9) 357-5800
Fax: 64 (9) 358-3726
Technical Support:
Phone: 64 (9) 357-5575
Fax: 64 (9) 307-0516 and 357-5577

Northern Ireland
See United Kingdom

Microsoft Norway AS
Phone: +(47) 22 02 25 00
Fax: +(47) 22 95 06 64
Technical Support: Standard: +(47) 22 02 25 50
Priority: +(47) 22 02 25 45
Premier: +(47) 22 02 25 46
Microsoft Sales Support: +(47) 22 02 25 80
Microsoft MSDL: +(47) 22 18 22 09
Microsoft FastTips: +(47) 22 02 25 70
(Document 404040 in FastTips contains detailed instructions)

Technical Support:(506) 298 2020
Support E-mail: mscasup@microsoft.com
Customer Service: (506) 298 2000
Customer Service E-mail: msccatus@microsoft.com

Papua New Guinea
See Australia

See Uruguay

Centro de Servicio al Cliente
Central de Soporte: (51) (1) 422-4116
Fax: (51) (1) 221-9052
Central de Informacion (51) (1) 242-5980
Fax: (51) (1) 447-8591

Philippines (SP)
Microsoft Philippines
Phone: 632 811 0062
Technical Support:
Phone: 632 892 2295/2495 and 632 813 2494
Fax: 632 813 2493

Microsoft Sp. z o.o.
Phone: +(48-22) 661-54-00
Fax: +(48-22) 661-54-34
Information Service: +(48-22) 865-99-33
Technical Support: +(48-22) 865-99-66

Microsoft Portugal MSFT, Lda.
Phone: (351) 1 4409200
Fax: (351) 1 4412101
Technical Support:
Standard Support: (351) 1 4409280/1/2/3
Fax: (351) 1 4411655

Puerto Rico
Technical Support:(408) 953 8086
Support E-Mail: mscarsup@microsoft.com
Customer Service: (800) 297 5982 for area codes 787 & 809 only
Customer Service E-mail: msccatus@microsoft.com

Republic of Ireland
See United Kingdom

Microsoft s.r.l.
Phone: (+40) (1) 222 90 16
Fax: (+40) (1) 222 90 12
Technical Support: (+40) (1) 312 09 48

Microsoft Z.A.O.
Microsoft Information Center: (095) 916 7171
Russia: 125252
Moscow: Postbox 70
Technical Support:
Moscow (095) 745-54-45
St.Petersburg: (812) 118-36-36
Novosibirsk (3832) 119-019
Internet: //www.microsoft.com/rus/

Saudi Arabia
Microsoft Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966-1-488-1165
Fax: +966-1-488-1576
Technical Support:
(Personal Operating System and Desktop Applications only):
Phone: 800-124-0500 (toll free within Saudi Arabia)
Fax: +966-1-4740576

See United Kingdom

Microsoft Singapore Pte Ltd
Phone: (65) 337-6088
Fax: (65) 337-6788
Customer Services:
Phone: (65) 324-5255
Fax: (65) 324-6181
Product Support Services:
Phone: (65) 378-3600
Fax: (65) 378-3662

Slovak Republic
Microsoft Slovakia s.r.o.
Phone (+421) (7) 37 63 02
Fax: (+421) (7) 37 66 71
Technical Support: (+421) (7) 531 20 83

Microsoft d.o.o.
Phone: (+386) (61) 1800 800
Fax: (+386) (61) 1800 822
Technical Support: (+386) (61) 185 3449

South Africa
Microsoft South Africa
Phone: (27) 11 445 0000
Fax: (27) 11 445 0046
Technical Support:
(Toll Free): 0 802 11 11 04
(Toll): (27) 11 445 0000
Fax: (27) 11 445-0343

South East Africa and Indian Ocean Islands
See South Africa

Microsoft Iberica SRL
Phone: (34) 1-807-9999
Fax: (34) 1-803-8310
Technical Support: (34) 1-3754004
Customer Service: (34) 1-3754004
From Spain Only: 902-187 198
Fax Back telephone: (34) 1-3754004

Microsoft AB
Phone: +46 (0) 8-752 56 00
Fax: +46 (0) 8-750 51 58
Technical Support:
Standard: +46 (0) 8-752 09 29
Priority: +46 (0) 8-751 09 80
Premier: +46 (0) 8-632 57 01
Sales Support: +46 (0) 8-752 56 30
Microsoft MSDL: +46 (0) 8-750 47 42
Microsoft FastTips: +46 (0) 8-752 29 00
(Document 202020 in FastTips contains detailed instructions)

Microsoft AG
Phone: 01-839 61 11
Fax: 01-831 08 69
Prices, updates, etc.: 01/839 61 11
Phone: 155 59 00
Fax: 064-224294, Microsoft Info-Service, Postfach, 8001 Zürich
Standard Technical Support: Installation and Handling:
0848 80 - 2255
Technical support (French speaking): 022-738 96 88
General information about Microsoft Support in Central Europe:
Tel. 0848-80-2330
Internet: //www.microsoft.com/switzerland

See Russia

Microsoft Taiwan Corp.
Phone: (886) (2) 504-3122
Fax: (886) (2) 504-3121
Technical Support: (886) (2) 508-9501

Microsoft (Thailand) Limited
Phone: (662) 266-3300
Fax: (662) 266-3310
Product Support:
Phone: (662) 613-7208 through 11
Fax: (662) 613-7198

Microsoft Turkey
Phone: 90 (212) 258 59 98
Fax: 90 (212) 258 59 54
Support Hotline:
Phone: 90 (212) 258 96 66
Fax: 90 (212) 258 95 99
Bulletin Board Service: 90 (212) 227 93 90

See Russia

United Kingdom
Microsoft Limited
Fax: (0870) 60 20 100
Phone: (0870) 60 10 100
Microsoft KeyData:
(Bulletin Board Service)
(0870) 50 30 200 (up to 28.8 Kbaud, n, 8, 1)
Microsoft KeyFax:
(Faxback Information Service)
(0870) 50 30 100
Technical Support:
Desktop Applications, Home Products, Desktop Systems and hardware:
0870 50 10 100
Developer Products: 0870 50 10 200
Business Systems: 0870 50 10 300
Customers phoning from Ireland should dial 706 5353 for technical support.
Minicom Line: 0870 50 30 400
Pre-Sales Information: Microsoft Connection (0345) 00 2000

Technical Support: (598) (2) 774934
Fax: (598) (2) 774935

See Russia

Corporation MS 90 de Venezuela S.A.
Other information: (582) 265-9922
Fax: (582) 265-0863
Technical Support: (582) 993-6755

See United Kingdom